This is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical product and biological characteristics of mixing Air, Water, Land and Soil. People is the only organism which interferes with the environments and create pollution. He has cut down trees for using as many purpose such as Newly construct infrastructure, Road, Industry, Power plant, Cultivation, Firewood and Killed animals and other articles obtained from them. Mainly Population growth so we need food, water, shelter and other necessary requirements. Thus our needs disturb the ecological balance which leads to the change of our Global environments and Setting up such a large Number of Industries and rapid of transport so the environment has been spoiled.

How has air pollution impacted the world?


Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and many gases in the air and Contamination of the indoor and out door activity of the environment by many kind of chemical, physical and biological origin that modifies in the air or atmosphere. Air pollution is a mix of hazardous substances from both Human made and Natural sources.

Now-a-days, Air pollution is the presence of substances in the atmosphere that are very harmful to the health of all living beings. Air pollution can directly contaminate the surface of bodies of water and soil and Air pollution cause injury to all living organisms. Directly they deleteriously impact respiratory system of humans and animals.

Air pollution also impacts the most vulnerable severely. Such pollution is an inevitable accompaniment to fossil fuel combustion, whether it's coal, oil and natural gas as long as the world is dependent on fossil fuels, there will be extensive pollution which is very dangerous and impacts to children severely.



The oxides of sulphur have mostly deleterious environmental impacts. Electrical power plants which use coal are largely blamed for sulphur dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. It can also react with ozone, hydrogen peroxide or water vapour in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid.


Nitrogen oxide are produced when fuel is burned at high temperatures. Nitrogen, Which is ordinarily inert, combines with oxygen in high temperature flames and tends to stay combined if the exhaust gases are cooled quickly and relatively harmless at ordinary concentrations. They are released into the air mainly from vehicular smoke, electric power plants, Industrial establishments, Many commercial Institutions and Big Residential  Apartments.


Hydrocarbons are compounds made up carbon and hydrogen . Most of the  hydrocarbons have directly effect on human beings and are carcinogenic in Nature. They are produced during the production of coke and during improper burning of coal.


Carbon Monoxide is one of the major pollutants from our automobiles comprising 80% of all automobile exhausts. Some amounts are also emitted from Volcanoes and forest fires. Carbon Monoxide is a products of incomplete combustion of fuels. Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen level carrying capacity of the blood.


Carbon dioxide is one of the basic end products of the burning of fossil fuels, paper, leaves, tobacco and other containing materials. Carbon dioxide is considered relatively innocunous because it has no direct effect on health but it has several important side effects. It contributes towards acid rain and greenhouse impacts.


Radioactive substances disintegrate with emission of radiation. Three kinds of radiation Alpha, Beta and Gamma have been identified. These radiations is interact with all living tissues and damage them. The sources of radiation can be natural , which includes both- cosmic and terrestrial and artificial or man made. Cosmic rays are the primary source of radiation which enter the atmosphere from outer space. The primary radiation on entering the atmosphere produces secondary radiation through interactions with atoms in the atmosphere. Terrestrial radioactivity originates from radioactive materials of the earth, such as- Uranium, Thorium, Actinium, Potassium and Carbon. However, strontium-90 which is a major long-term hazard gets incorporated into vegetations, diary products and even building materials like as bricks, concreates etc.


Lead is a chemical pollutant which enters the atmosphere from automobile exhaust. A compound of lead , tetraethyl lead is used as an anti-knock agent in petrol or gasoline for smooth and easy running of vehicles. If the octane rating of petrol is low, the fuel and air mixture can ignite prematurely and disturb the smooth running of the engine and cause knocking. The lead mixed air, if inhaled  may produce injurious effects on the health. It can get mixed up with water and food then create cumulative poisoning.

* Smoke stacks from thermal power plants, forest fires, Volcanic eruptions and the term refers to the smoking of tobacco but many other substances can also be smoked as - Opium, Dhatura and other herbs.

* Garbage decomposition also releases unwanted gases in the air

* Excessive use of fossil fuels by automobiles and Industries release Particulate  and air pollutants.


These impacts depend on the concentration of pollutants, duration of exposure and the organism.

1. CARBON MONOXIDE : Causes Giddiness, Headache, Cardiovascular malfunction, asphyxia etc.

2. SULPHUR DIOXIDE : Causes respiratory tract diseases like as- Asthma, Bronchitis, Cancer, Emphysema etc.

3. HYDROGEN SULPHIDE : Causes Nausea, Eye and Throat irritation, Piles problems

4. NITROGEN OXIDES : Causes Gum inflammation to internal bleeding, Pneumonia, Lung Cancer and etc.

5. FINE PARTICULATES : Causes Breathing and respiratory problems, inflammation and damage to the lungs.

6. IN PLANTS : Reduced growth and yield and Premature death occurs


Cigarette smoking is responsible for many diseases due to the presence of carcinogenic tars in cigarette smoke. The effectiveness of carcinogenic tars is lesser in case of cigar and pipe smoking due to lower temperature at which tobacco is smoked. Besides, it has also been established that non-smokers whose work conditions lie in smoke-filled surroundings are also vulnerable to health problems. The most common health problem is the occurrence of cancer of lungs, larynx and associated with smoking is coronary - heart disease. Perhaps all are well known smokers is of local nature which may bring irritation and bronchitis.

8. RADIOACTIVITY : The harmful effects of radiation are cancer, gene mutation, damage to the central nervous system, blood forming tissues, eyes, skin and host of other organs and systems .

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