Reproductive health generally refers to healthy conceptive organs with usual functions. Sexual health means a total well-being in all aspects of Reproduction as Physical, emotional, behavioural and social. The improved reproductive health of society in these ways as :

1. Better awareness about sexual relation 

2. Increased number of medically assisted deliveries and postnatal care so as to decrease maternal and infant mortality rates.

3. Increased number of couples with small families

4. Better detection and curing of sexually transmitted diseases

5. mostly priority to increased medical facilities for all sex-related problems.

How do you promote good adolescent reproductive health?

1. The family planning programmes were initiated and periodically assessed 

2. Creating awareness  among the people about details of reproduction related aspects

3. Providing facilities and support for building up a reproductively healthy society.

4. Governmental and Non-Governmental agencies have taken various important steps to create awareness among general people about reproduction related  health.

5. Through education is a good step by school, college and other institutional studies about sexual education to provide right information to adolescents to discourage them from believing in myths and misconceptions about sex related issues.

6. Adolescents should be informed about reproductive organs, adolescence and related changes safe and hygenic sexual practices, sex abuse,  sexually transmitted disease and Acquired immune deficiency syndrome etc.

7. Married couple or those in marriageable age group should be educated about available birth control options, Care of pregnant mothers, Postnatal care of the mother and child , Importance of breast feeding, equal opportunities for the both male and female  child. 

8. Steps to successful implementation of pre- action plans like as Providing medical assistance and care to reproduction related problems, Pregnancy, delivery, sexually transmitted diseases, Abortions, Contraception, Menstrual Problems and Infertility etc require fully government support and infrastructural facilities.

9. Also take step prenatal diagnostic technique based on chromosomal pattern in which sample of amniotic fluid is taken from the uterus of a pregnant woman to detect the early development of foetus.

10. The benefits of amniocentesis include the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and developmental disorders of foetus, However it is being misused for sex- determination of foetus that leads to female foeticides. Therefore , statutory ban on amniocentesis for sex-determination keeps checks on female foeticides.


The massive grow in the size and growth rate of population is called Population explosion. It is occurs due to increased health facilities and better living conditions. Reasons of population explosion include 

1. Decreased death rate

2. Declined Maternal Mortality rate

3. Decreased Infant Mortality rate

4. Increased in the number of people in sexual age

5. Methods to prevent population explosion include

6. Raising the marriageable age

7. Couples with small families should be given some incentives

8. Birth control is an important step to control the population growth by motivating smaller families by using contraceptive methods.


Contraceptive methods are ideal if they are user friendly, easily available , most effective and reversible with no any side effects and non-interferring with the sexual drive, desire and the sexual act. There are several methods of birth control that can be categorised as :


* Periodic abstinence in which couples avoid coitus from day 10-17-fertile Period of the menstrual cycle. In its period , ovulation is  expected to occur and chances of fertilization are very high. 

* Coitus interruptus is also called rejected sexual intercourse or withdrawl  method. In this method , the penis is withdrawn from the vagina just before Ejaculation so that semen is not deposited in the vagina.

* Lactational an abnormal  is the absence of menstruation during the period of intense lactation following parturition. As ovulation doesn't occur in this period, the chances of conception are nil. This method is reliable for a maximum period of six month after delivery. Main advantage of these methods is that, they don't cause any type of side effect. The main disadvantage is that, these methods are not 100% reliable as these depend on chance.


These methods are based on the prevention of ovum and sperm from physically meeting with the help of barriers . Barriers may be mechanical or chemical and used by both males and females.


* CONDOMS : They are made of  latex sheath to cover the penis in male or vagina and cervix in females . They prevent meeting of sperm and ova. Condoms provide protection from sexually transmitted disease. They are biodegradable and can be self-position and thereby gives privacy to the user.

* DIAPHRAGMS, CERVICAL CAPS AND CAULTS : They are made up rubber that are inserted into the female sexual tract to cover the cervices during coitus. They are reusable.


They include spermicidal creams, jellies and foams. They are usually used along with the barriers to increase their contraceptive efficiency.


These devices are introduced in the uterus through vagina by doctors or any Expert nurses.

These are of following types are-

* Non-medicated IUDs

* Copper-releasing IUDs

* Hormone-releasing IUDs

IUDs prevent contraception in the following ways are -

* Increase the ingestion of bacteria of sperms within the uterus

* Some IUDs supress  sperm motility and impregnate ability of sperm through releasing copper ions

* Mainly, The hormone deliver IUDs make uterus unsuitable for implantation and make the cervices hostile to sperms. IUDs are ideal contraceptive for females who want to delay pregnancy . It is one of the most widely accepted contraception method.


These are hormonal preparations in the form of pills. Their major features include

* Pills are two types - combined pills and mini pills.

* Oral pills inhibit ovulation and modify the quality of cervical mucus to prevent the entry of sperms. They also modify uterine endometrium by making it unsuitable for implantation.

* Mostly,Oral pills have to be taken everyday for a period of 21days starting within the first five days of menstrual cycle.


These are effective for longer period, although their mode of action is similar to that of oral contraceptives. Progesterone alone  with oestrogen are used by females as injections or implants under the skin.


This method is very high dose of progesterone combinations within 72 hours of coitus. It has been found to  be very effective to avoid possible pregnancy due to unprotected intercourse.


Surgical methods are used by both male and female partner as a terminal or stable method to prevent any more pregnancies. These process block the deliver of gametes and prevent contraception.

* VASECTOMY : This method is applied in case of males.

* TUBECTOMY : This method is applied in case of females

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